so, here's how it works:

  1. You go first, unless you have significantly more Rep than me - I have 66 on Steamtrades and 248 on my Steam profile
  2. Make sure you are trading with me - best is to follow the profile-link on Steamtrades, not some links posted in Chats or something like that (I only use Steam, not Skype or someting like that)
  3. You add me, we arrange a deal and then we trade. Fees are calculated like this (for simplicities sake): 4% + 0.3$ no matter from which country
  4. You have to write 'This is a payment for digital goods and/or services, I will not chargeback under any circumstances' aswell as the German translation 'Dies ist eine Zahlung für digitale Güter und/oder Dienstleistungen, eine Rückerstattung ist aus diesen Gründen ausgeschlossen' into the comment-field.
  5. You have to add a small item into the trade window
  6. After the trade is done you leave +rep :D

Minimum-Amount of 5 keys.

Euros are also accepted.

I reserve the right do decline trades with anyone without providing information about reason for it (but probably too shady guys).

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.