I'm interested in buying cheap games for ref.

Steam gift needs to be ROW or WW version.

I accept Steam key, as long as you have good rep, you have a huge game library and your Steam account is more than 4 years old. Otherwise you have to go first.

To prevent scammers/phishers, I have to ask you to offer here first so I can check on your profile and rep. No random add please.

Games Bought

Shufflepuck Cantina Deluxe for 1 ref

1 decade ago*

redshirt or kgb 1953

1 decade ago

u buy and Desura keys games ?

1 decade ago

i don't use desura, so no thanks.

1 decade ago

I can sell you

Guilty Gear Isuka: 3 ref

Avencast: 1 ref

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.