I have...
I want...

TF2 Keys. (no refs / cards or other bundle games accepted at the moment). I could also accept 4 sacks of gems as 1 TF2 Key.

Also looking for Rust, even though I don't really expect anyone to offer it for any of my games anymore but who knows... Of course you can choose several games for it, even valuables ones;

Looking to trade some games for TF2 Keys. I don't really have any set price for most of the things, typically it would be around 1 Key / 4 SoG for 3 games, obviously this could be more or less than that depending on the value of the games, feel free to make an offer.

8 years ago*

Something here? Otherwise, free bump.

8 years ago

Interested in Papers, Please. Want anything from here: http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/pZGOw/h-games-w-game-offers?
Or would you trade it for trading cards/keys? If so, how many needed?

8 years ago

Nothing, sorry.

8 years ago

added for quicker response regarding a trade

8 years ago

Anything here for stalker call of pripyat?

8 years ago

Hello. How many cards+sack of gems do you want for Batman: Arkham City GOTY?

8 years ago*

Closed 8 years ago.