I have serial keys for:

  • painkiller: overdose
  • intrusion 2
  • tiny & big: grandpa's leftovers

I am open to suggestions on trades, but mostly interested in other games or tf2 keys, although I won't automatically disregard a potential trade for being outside of this range.

1 decade ago*

Gumboy Crazy Adventures or McPixel for Painkiller? I also have cards.

1 decade ago

Added you on steam, I'm interested in intrusion 2.

1 decade ago

I want to apologize to nohlitoli, kowwok, and mike wazokowski. When I had initially posted this thread, it appeared that there was 0 interest in my offers, despite bumping my thread several times. I had checked the site vigilantly for several days, and with my post falling farther and farther to the bottom of the list, I eventually gave up on it, figuring that I would just check back after a while had passed...I forgot that I had made this thread and ended up trading away the games listed within the past few days - I should have closed this thread immediately thereafter, but had completely forgotten about it. I'm incredibly sorry for any inconveniences, and any future threads that I post will be checked daily until my items have been traded or the thread has been closed. Either way, this will NOT happen again. Sorry.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.