exept some games (you cannot see my inventory i dont know why please trust me i'm not a scammer please i have been robbed before and i'm not going first again)
metro last ligth 15 $
remember me 15 $
warz / infestation/ 2.5 dollar / 1 key
Tomb Raider GOTY Edition 10 $
killing floor 10 $
bioshock infinite 10 $
payday2 15 $
surgeon simulator 9 $
grid 2 15 $
tomb raider goty 15 $

1 decade ago*

umm sorry but i need to get some money to pay my mom credit card but if you want some games i'll give you some discount and remmeber i wont scam you !

1 decade ago

i read those dont know what do you want to tell me but thanks for the faq and remember i wont scam you !

1 decade ago

It's just for the lay-out of your thread, and about the prices: I.E. Metro I can get for 6-8$, romb raider goty for 5$ and same for basically every game except for infestation that's a good price.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.