I have...

Anti Squad - $6
Shelter 2 - $15
The Next Penelope- $13
Mechanic Escape - $5
Lemuria: Lost In Space -$12
Kill The Bad Guy- $10
Finding Teddy- $7
Drift Into Eternity- $20
Bombing Bastards- $10
Spirit of War - $10

I want...

Equal value trades or willing to take lesser value if a desirable game is offered. Willing to do 2+ for 1's and vice versa.
*= good trades needed

A few desired games:
CS:GO (x3)
Rainbow Six Siege (X2)
Tower Unite (X2)
Plauge Evolved
Papers Please
Viscera Clean Up

Will Listen to All Offers

6 years ago

*= Games are Shelter and Spirit of War

6 years ago*

Closed 6 years ago.