sorta fucked up and bought an extra humble bundle at the wrong price. I dunno if I can get a refund on it so I might as well see if I can trade it here or get it back.

Offers, would like to recoup the costs most preferably through paypal or somethin (at $25, I'm willin to drop it by a few if time passes and nothing pops up, ill send you the bonus games too when they appear). I think around 11 tf2 keys would also be fine, willing to be flexible about it.

1 decade ago*

Adding you to talk!

1 decade ago

i can offer 7 dota 2 treasure keys for riptide.

Or I also have a tradable Fear collection that i would trade for the riptide key.

1 decade ago

hey i could do like 7 TF2 keys for only riptide

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.