Hello ^_^
i have a steam gift of "AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity" and i wanna trade it for gift of Beat Hazard Ultra Dlc.
i think its fair because the gift i offer worth 10$ and now the dlc beat hazard ultra worth only 1.5$ because the summer sale so its 1.5$ for 10$.

please notice i want only what i asked for, nothing else. and if you give me keys, YOU GO FIRST! i dont care how much rep comments you have, i dont give a shit about it, you wanna trade my gift for keys? you go first. you wanna trade my gift for urs, lets do steam trade ^_^

also, the discount on ultra beat hazard dlc is only available until 23 of july.

tnx in advance ^_^

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.