I have...

TF2 Keys

I want...


5850 per key.

Trade link: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=98660996&token=GJHg8Ol-

If you want to negotiate feel free to comment below.

3 years ago*

The link doesn't work and the price is still 5650 gems?

3 years ago

Yes, I pasted the link again and it seemed that it was the same thing, it must have been a steam issue as I tested it and it worked.

3 years ago

It still shows me: "This Trade URL is no longer valid for sending a trade offer to Dr_Robocalypse"
When i have the 5650 gems i could add you because right now i don't have that amount, i only have 5550 gems.

3 years ago

Closed 2 years ago.