I have...

CS:GO Keys
TF2 Keys
Payday 2 4-pack
Knights and Merchants
Divinity: Dragon Commander
Call of Duty: Ghosts

I want...

Football Manager 2019 (2 copies)

Hey guys!

I'm brazillian and i'm trying to get FM19 for me and a friend - so, 2 copies.

I don't know if i can receive it as steam gift, so i'm accepting steam keys aswell. I only need them to be ROW/Possible to activate here.

I want to pay with TF2/CSGO keys, so name a price for me.

Alternatively, i could throw some steam gifts that i have here: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198039490464/inventory/

Thanks in advance for your attention :)

5 years ago*

Closed 5 years ago.