I have...

142 Trading Cards (different games)
126 Backgrounds
132 Emoticons

I want...

Trading cards, Games, Skins, anything

142 Trading Cards (different games)
126 Backgrounds
132 Emoticons

Just comment, add me, or direclty send me an offer
I am a legit person (51 level steam, 2 years on steam, no bans, lots of +rep)

8 years ago

hi there, would you like 3 cards for your background "jul" and your thumbs up and thumbs down icon? (so 3:3, or maybe 2:3 with 2 of my more valuable cards)

8 years ago

well, thats gonna have to be 1 euro+ in any type of items as good as i remember the prices of my junk. Just send me an offer straight away

8 years ago

you sure that 1 background and 2 icons are worth more than 1€? I highly doubt that :/

8 years ago

your talking about the devil, half nude girl? its jumping in price as from i remember, once i saw it at 2, 1.5, 07 and other prices.. And i wont give the "thumbs up" for sure, what "thumbs dnw" are you talking about? i dont keep track of my junk

8 years ago

mh, i could give you a game key for the two maybe if you're interested
(and maybe a little bonus from your side, depends on what you want)

8 years ago


I accept cards, if you interest set your price

8 years ago

send me trade offers if your supposed to be interested, i dont need replies like this

8 years ago

I have some games from your wish list, and you may be interest in some of my other games
how can i send offer? if you interest in (Life is hard) you can say[ Life is hard for 15 ?] and i will accept your offer or not
anyway have a nice day

8 years ago

hmm, i rather do backgrounds or emojis and or other games for your games, i traded all my dupes and all some time ago :P

8 years ago

I'm Only interest in trading cards, Good luck and thank you for the reply

8 years ago

added for coupon

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.