I have...

Game Name
Catch a Falling Star
Clergy Splode
Eaten Alive
Escape Machines
Flesh Eaters
Freebie (x2)
Kivi, Toilet, and Shotgun
Neon Hardcorps
New Kind of Adventure
Star Chronicles: Delta Quadrant
Star Drifter
Stellar 2D
Super Mega Neo Pug
Super Mustache
Super Space Pug
The Tower of Elements
Turbo Pug
The Last Hope (x2)
Head Shot
Vitatio 2
Why So Evil + Why So Evil 2 + Brilliant Bob
Forge of Gods: Beauties and the Beasts DLC
Forge of Gods: Promote Pack (DLC)
Bold New World
Beast Blaster + Cyborg Detonator + Zombie Boom
Break into Zatwor + Absconding Zatwor + Fiends of Imprisonment
Lost Moon (x2)
Foresaken Uprising (x7)
No Turning Back (x3)
Nuclear Contingency
The Deer
Woodle Tree Adventure - Soundtrack (DLC)
Unforgiving Trials: The Darkest Crusade (x5)
A Detective's Novel
The Slaughtering Grounds
The Decimation of Olarith (x2)
Krog Wars (x2)
Starship: Nova Strike
Mini Attack Submarine
Paranormal Psychosis
Winged Knights: Penetration (x3)
Yellow: The Yellow Artifact
Turn Around
Space Beret (x2)
The Dark Stone from Mebara

I know this is a long shot, but I figure seeing as I don't have all the free games, other people might hold onto spare keys, too. I'm literally looking for any game I don't have in my library, no matter how crappy it is. Just not FTP games, obviously. I'm looking for 1:1 but obviously if you gave me something you DIDN'T get free I'd be willing to do more. Don't be afraid to offer!

PS - Some of these keys are old. Just to be safe, I will be having YOU activate first, to make sure they are good. I don't want to rip anyone off :)

6 years ago*

Closed 6 years ago.