1:1, not interested in anything else.

1 decade ago*

I'm one of the few people that has VtM:B. First, I have PAA already, so I'm not going to trade with you, but just so you know, that's a really unfair deal to anyone that has VtM.

1 decade ago

How so?

1 decade ago

VtM:B is 20 bucks. PAA is 11 bucks. On sale, PAA was seriously 3 dollars. It's an unfair trade even in money value. Not to mention, VtM:B is a much better game than PAA. I know, I played both.

1 decade ago

You make me laugh.
VtM:B was 5$ last year and this year. PAA combo pack was on a sale only once, in Jan 2011.
VtM:B is 8 years old, still buggy, requires unofficial patches to work and barely runs on modern systems. PAA runs fine on toaster.
As for personal preferences, some people like crayons, some people like shotguns. Both can kill.

1 decade ago

PAA combo pack was on sale during the Summer sale as well.

No one can deny the fact of age or bugs, but no one can deny the critical acclaim of either title as well. Point is, more people are interested in VtMB with all of its faults than PAA with all of its virtues.

And yes, personal preferences shouldn't matter but they do. Look at the other trades going on, you will have to come to this conclusion as well.

I wish you the best, this is my last free bump. But chances are you won't be getting this trade.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.