What sale games are you looking for in exchange for GTA Complete? Feel free to add me!
Got any interest in Indie Royale Difficult Bundle (NightSky, Fate of the World + DLC, Scoregasm, Time Gentlemen Please!, Ben There Dan That!,) the Voxatron Humble Bundle (Blocks That Matter, Binding of Issac, Gish,) or Hydrophobia: Prophecy?
I can also offer New Vegas.
Looking for something similar to the price point, don't have to be more though.
What about Borderlands? Or do you have anything other than what's mentioned in the title?
Sure, I can trade them for Borderlands. I'm trading only what's stated above.
Alright, let's do that then. Borderlands for New Vegas and the Voxatron keys.
How do you want to do it? I figure we could just trade the games and then I could send you a PM with the keys.
Yep, will trade when I get home due to time zone differences. Sorry about the wait. Add me on Steam through my wishlist link.
Done. And that's no problem about the wait. Believe it or not I had to step out and go to holiday sales unexpectedly, so it works out.
Looking to trade Amnesia for Binding of Issac and Orcs Must Die!/Dungeon Defenders.
Wish to trade FEAR Collection or Amnesia for 2 x Serious Sam HD: Gold Edition.
Accidentally deleted my thread while editing it lol. I'm looking to trade my games for the ones currently on sale.
List of games I'm trading:
FEAR Collection, Amnesia, GTA Complete (for Deus Ex:HR)
Wish to trade FEAR Collection or Amnesia for 2 x Serious Sam HD: Gold Edition.
TF2 metals/keys for Binding of Issac (Not Humble Bundle)
Also trading most of them for LA Noire + PayPal that's currently on sale too.
I'm interested in the following:
The Binding of Issac, Fallout: New Vegas, Orcs Must Die!
Check my wish list for the games I am interested in.
Traded/Sold: Borderlands GOTY