Accidentally deleted my thread while editing it lol. I'm looking to trade my games for the ones currently on sale.

List of games I'm trading:
FEAR Collection, Amnesia, GTA Complete (for Deus Ex:HR)

Wish to trade FEAR Collection or Amnesia for 2 x Serious Sam HD: Gold Edition.

TF2 metals/keys for Binding of Issac (Not Humble Bundle)

Also trading most of them for LA Noire + PayPal that's currently on sale too.

I'm interested in the following:
The Binding of Issac, Fallout: New Vegas, Orcs Must Die!

Check my wish list for the games I am interested in.

Traded/Sold: Borderlands GOTY

1 decade ago*

Any interest in the Oddboxx?

1 decade ago

What sale games are you looking for in exchange for GTA Complete? Feel free to add me!

1 decade ago

Check my OP and my wishlist.

1 decade ago

Got any interest in Indie Royale Difficult Bundle (NightSky, Fate of the World + DLC, Scoregasm, Time Gentlemen Please!, Ben There Dan That!,) the Voxatron Humble Bundle (Blocks That Matter, Binding of Issac, Gish,) or Hydrophobia: Prophecy?

I can also offer New Vegas.

1 decade ago

Voxatron Bundle and New Vegas would be awesome. What do you want for it?

1 decade ago

How about both for GTA Complete?

1 decade ago

Looking for something similar to the price point, don't have to be more though.

1 decade ago

What about Borderlands? Or do you have anything other than what's mentioned in the title?

1 decade ago

Sure, I can trade them for Borderlands. I'm trading only what's stated above.

1 decade ago

Alright, let's do that then. Borderlands for New Vegas and the Voxatron keys.

How do you want to do it? I figure we could just trade the games and then I could send you a PM with the keys.

1 decade ago

Yep, will trade when I get home due to time zone differences. Sorry about the wait. Add me on Steam through my wishlist link.

1 decade ago

Done. And that's no problem about the wait. Believe it or not I had to step out and go to holiday sales unexpectedly, so it works out.

1 decade ago

Borderlands GOTY deal done!

1 decade ago

And I thank you for it. Nice talking to you as well. :)

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Looking to trade Amnesia for Binding of Issac and Orcs Must Die!/Dungeon Defenders.

1 decade ago


Wish to trade FEAR Collection or Amnesia for 2 x Serious Sam HD: Gold Edition.

1 decade ago

Want The Binding of Issac for TF2 metals/keys.

1 decade ago

Added you on steam

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.