I have...

games, csgo keys

I want...

The Banner Saga

6 years ago*

I'd take all 8 for 1.85€ each. 2.1€ is way overpriced.

6 years ago

I might think about it -
Btw nice double standard... coming here and telling me its overpriced while demanding 1 csgo key for "AAA and Quality Indie Titles" like Arma: Gold Edition or Alpha Prime is pretty shallow dude...

6 years ago

I'd say games have a more variable price than a commodity that is readily available and has a generally agreed upon price range. I can fairly easily get CSGO keys for $2.15 USD or just under 1.85€. Not sure I'd call it a double standard when it's not an entirely fair comparison. Anyway, I managed to get the 8 keys for $2.15 from another trader so I'm good for now, thanks.

6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.