He scammed me even thought his main account has good rep. He uses his alt acct to scam people!


Sorry I do not know where to post this.

Nar)t: yo
Chungolo: hi
Nar)t: i have arma 2 steam key
Nar)t: code
Nar)t: if you intrsd
Nar)t: still
Chungolo: with arrowhead?
Nar)t: yea
Nar)t: how many keys
Nar)t: ?
Chungolo: 4
Nar)t: its good
Nar)t: add me
Nar)t: in my trade
Nar)t: acc
Nar)t: pls
Nar)t: http://steamcommunity.com/id/29X29AX
Nar)t is now Online.
Chungolo: hello?
Chungolo: where are the code?
Chungolo: hello?
Chungolo: can i get my codes
Chungolo: or you not going to answer me anymore

9 years ago*

Tried to scam me earlier today on this alt account of his: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198042026450

His main account ST profile: http://www.steamtrades.com/user/SERZhKun

He also has a thread on steamrep.

9 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.