Something Interesting to share with the community which I found on a reddit post please bump so more ppl are aware of this
Thanks to waylaidwanderer for sharing this.

My friend shared something very interesting today. I've never seen this kind of scam before, so I thought it needs to be brought to attention quickly before more people fall for it.

He was added by a person trying to buy his unusual. (See: chatlog)

The scammer posted a link to their actual SteamRep profile, and on first glance it seems to be legit - the scammer's profile comes up clean.
However, there is something very fishy with the SteamRep url he posted.

Notice the ?t=1345099378 at the end? This tells SteamRep to pull the profile data from a previous point in time. When my friend first showed me the link, even I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary at first.

Removing ?t=1345099378 from the URL turns it into which in fact shows that the user is a scammer.

This is a serious flaw in SteamRep. I believe that viewing historical data should still show that the user is currently a scammer, no matter the state of the profile in the past.

This flaw needs to be fixed ASAP.

Edit: SteamRep has now been updated to make it more clear that it is showing historical data. Good job team! And thanks Mattie :)

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.