Hey guys!

So I am an idiot and ended up missing this last sale of Oblivion. So I am looking for someone with an extra copy willing to trade it for another game worth about the same price as Oblivion went for at the sale (I believe it was 6,50 USD, correct me if I'm wrong). You can choose the game from the Steam store and I'll get it and we can trade.

As a last resort I can also make a paypal transfer although a direct trade would be better since it lowers the chance to get scammed.

Hope somebody can help me.


Edit: This is my profile link at SteamGifts. Dunno if it matters for anyone but it might help to prove that I am not trying to scam anyone, just looking desperatly for a game I have been dearly trying to get for some time ;)

1 decade ago*


1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.