I have these 6 Steam gift games I want to swap as a lot for a reduced price. I would like 1 key and 5 ref for all of them or some game from my wishlist:

--- Original War (metascore 61/-, steam community 98% positive)

--- Arma II (metascore 77/75, steam community 96% positive)

--- Space Empires IV Deluxe (metascore 79/-, steam community 86% positive)

--- Blood of the Werewolf (metascore 65/80, steam community 94% positive)

--- Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves (metascore 79/80, steam community 98% positive)

--- Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams - Rise of the Owlverlord (metascore 84/-, steam community 84% positive)

Thanks for your interest!

PS: About my rep. I had a perfect rep until I encountered a scammer, I left him negative rep on steamtrades and he also did the same calling ME a scammer! But you can see he has a score of 0 positive and 18 negative so you know who you can believe

9 years ago*

Closed 7 years ago.