I have...
  1. Verified Paypal
  2. Almost 5 Years of Steam Service
  3. I got plenty of rep including lots of cash reps.
  4. I have over 2400 Trades + 6100 Market Transactions.
  5. I'm level 91 on steam, got 1190+ games.
I want...

CSGO Keys (Vanilla)
Phoenix Keys
Breakout Keys
Vanguard Keys
Chroma Keys
eSport Keys
Winter Offensive Keys
Huntsman Keys

Mann Co. Supply Crate Keys(TF2 Keys)

As tittle states, I'm buying CSGO Keys at 1,76$ / 1.51€ and TF2 Keys at 1,65$/1,4€ over paypal.

Add me if have you have enough rep and is interested in the offer. I'm searching for trusted suppliers atm.

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.