I have...

$50 Steam Gift Card

I want...

CS:GO Keys

I want to use a trusted middleman that we both agree upon
We can discuss the details over Skype/Steam

Why I am doing this:
Two reason... No market cooldown on keys so that I can instantly trade them and I want more than 20 keys for this.

Why you would do this:
Turn your keys into steam money without having to wait to sell them on the steam market.

9 years ago

You can simply add the wallet and buy them in game - no 7 days cooldown :)

9 years ago

I want to trade for more than 20 keys to someone who has those keys and wants steam cash but can't sell their keys for 50$ since steam taxes 15%. So I would gain more keys and they would gain 50$ steam cash when they wouldn't otherwise.

9 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.