All of these for your Tomb Raider I, II and III?
Dino D-Day
Pixel Piracy
Realms of Arkania : Blade of Destiny
Weird Worlds
Knights and Merchants Historical Version
Rune Classic
HOARD Complete Pack something for Surgeon Simulator? anything here?
Cook, Serve, Delicious is already in my [H] list, all other games you offer are under "Mostly Positive", so sorry, no thanks!
Any of these for Environmental Station Alpha?
I have someone else discussing HM2 currently, but if that falls through we could do that, is there anything else on the list you find appealing?
Not as much as HM2. Let's see how your other trade turns out and come back to me. I will scan your list tomorrow for an alternate and reply.
i have
Gunstar Heroes
Renegade Ops Complete
Viking: Battle for Asgard ,
Enforcer: Police Crime Action
Tropico 4
Megabyte Punch
The God's Chain
Q.U.B.E Director's Cut
Lovely Planet
Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West
Fiends of Imprisonment
Particle Mace
Spacepot Hope
KRUM - Edge Of Darkness
Melissa K. and the Heart of Gold Collector's Edition
Solar Flux
Unforgiving Trials: The Darkest Crusade
Omikron The Nomad Soul + Krum Edge Of Darkness for X-Blades + Yet Another Zombie Defense Game? :)
Something for Trine 3 and Tropico 5?
These 3 would match the price of Trine 3 OR Tropico 5:
You Must Build A Boat
Stardust Vanguards
The Bug Butcher
If that is ok, tell me which one you like and we can go for it.
that'd work except my bug butcher Is out of stock could you replace it with something else and I would do this deal for Trine 3
Out of stock sounds like you might have another copy later? Because Bug Butcher was the game which interested me most, the other 2 were just added to match the price :)
Hi, anything here for Chaos on Deponia?
Checked your list and I would trade Chaos on Deponia with:
Defense Grid: The Awakening
Overlord II
Ok for Overlord II (both this game and Chaos on Deponia were BTA games so that would be fair) but not for Defense Grid as it is a ROW gift. Add me if OK, else thx for the offer.
As mentioned above, I don't care about Bundle or not. The price is my orientation - I am sorry, it's not fair in my eyes to trade a 20€ game vs a 10€ one.
Not quite fair, Bug Butcher is 8 € vs Deponia 20 €. But maybe we can come to a deal, here are some games in your list I am interested beside Bug Butcher. If you find something to match the price, we can trade:
Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime
Your offer is fair but my interest in chaos on deponia is not so big, since i didnt even start playing the first one.. Thank you, friend.. Good luck :)
Would you trade Chaos on Deponia for Action Henk, Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number or Train Valley?
I browsed for at least 1 hour your list, but didn't find anything convincing :( I guess you don't have anything from my wishlist? And nice idea with splitting the games up in categories. But it would be better to sort them alphabetically within the categories!
Something for Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons ?
Hey, I'm interested in Technobabylon here is my trade
Any from below for Oxenfree?
Aqua Kitty - Milk Mine Defender
The 39 Steps
In Between
Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut
Go! Go! Nippon! My First Trip to Japan
No sorry, but if you find something else for about 7€ in my list we can trade for Aqua Kitty.
Anything here for oxenfree
maybe something on this very short list intrests you? all different games
Anything here for Oxenfree?
Hi, friend .. I have Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken from your wishlist. I'd like Oxenfree. Thank u.
That's not even in price. But as you asked for Chaos on Deponia before I would suggest:
Chaos on Deponia (20€)
Oxenfree (20€)
= 40€
Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime (15€)
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken (8€)
Nuclear Throne (12€)
= 35€
So you get a package from me 5€ higher than yours.
Sorry, nothing of interest unfortunately. Thanx for the offer though! Btw it would help you and other traders a lot, if you add the steam links to your games, so someone can quickly see what the game is about without copy+pasting all the time ;)
Hey you nead this games;
Chronicles of a Dark Lord: part 1, 2
Crystals of Time
Case #8
Forbidden Planet
Porradaria 2: Pagode of the Night
Hunter 2 - Deep Dive
Epic Showdown
Memories of a vagabond
Chronicles of a Dark Lord: Rhapsody Clash
Airstrike HD
For me every game is worth the price on Steam :) If you get something for free, it would be still worth 20€ for me if that's the price on Steam. I know that most traders here compare if a game is/was bundled, but I am not trading the games, I want to play them. So I have a different perspective ;)
Something form here: for Oxenfree or Technobabylon ??
interest in any my list
Hi, take a look here, i'm interested to Oxenfree something similar value for technobabylon?
I am interested in Dark Souls II and could add to Technobabylon some games from your wishlist to match the price like:
Five Nights at Freddy's 3
Massive chalice
Might & Magic X - Legacy (UPLAY)
I am also interested in some other games from your list, maybe we can make a nice trade package :)
Anything for Oxenfree?
Avernum 2: Crystal Souls
The Red Solstice
Punch Club
Dead in Bermuda
Road to Ballhalla
Savage Lands
Judging by your list you buy Chroma Squad and other games for 1$ in humble bundle
"yeah Chroma Squad 15€" you think no one knows its site? xD
it's your business just ignore, but it looks funny)))
Of course everybody knows the bundle sites, that's why this forum exists at all, because people trade their leftovers mainly. But for me a game is not less worth, just because you bought it once in a bundle for 1$ or not. Is GTA V less worth, just because I got it as a present for free and want to trade it? No, it's worth the price on the market, which is defined by Steam and other selling platforms.
If your game XY was in a bundle 10 years ago, almost no one will get it for 1€ again, same could go for games which were bundled 1 week ago. Also if you offer me a game which was never in a bundle, so everyone say "HEY! This game is 10x more worth than yours, because it was never bundled!!" So what? It still got the same price when you want to buy it somewhere as mine, which could have been in a bundle before. And if it will be in a bundle tomorrow, then it's not worth the price anymore???
Besides I don't know all games available on the market and if I get an offer I don't google if it was bundled to lower it's price. I just look up on Steam for it's description, gameplay videos and reviews to get an impression if I want the game.
I think you and all the other bundle-fixed traders should think about what games are meant for: PLAYING! And not for trading based on what the best price for them were ever.
I respect your thoughts though, but it doesn't make sense to me ;)
believe me it does not work
price in the store is steam basically irrelevant, I would be glad if your statement was correct
but, the price of the game in steam at all regions different + discounts + great importance It was a game in the bundle or not and for 1$ or BTA and in fact, the real price has other figures
I don't want to quarrel with you, think of it as a simple communion
I understand your views but in reality, the majority of traders take into account all the factors in order to economize
wish you luck in trades and have nice day!))
Yes, I understand your points. But you know, if I want to buy an apple, I buy it! Because I want to eat it right at that moment. I don't drive and look in 3 other super markets to see if it's cheaper there or if an apple once was bundled with a banana and an orange, so it should be cheaper now :D I desire an apple and I buy it. Then I eat it and I am happy :)
It's just two philosophies here, one group wants to trade games like some trophies or currency to trade it again and my group just enjoys playing games and wants to trade based on a comparison of a central price platform. And I am sure I got some games which were cheaper than the ones I offered, because I don't know and follow which games were bundled once or not. So I am not trying to cheat on anyone ;)
Hi, how about
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken
Chroma Squad ?
I'm interested in Oxenfree too, but I have no other game from your wishlist, but maybe you'll find something for you here -
Hii, im interested in Technobabylon, would you trade it for something of my list?
Neon Shadow - Steam Key
mr.President Prologue Episode - Steam Key
One Day : The Sun Disappeared - Steam Key
Wrath of Anna - Steam Key
The Odyssey - Steam Key
Star Tactics - Steam Key
GEARGUNS - Tank offensive - Steam Key
Hii, im interested in your Lumino City, would you trade it for something of my list?
Neon Shadow - Steam Key
mr.President Prologue Episode - Steam Key
One Day : The Sun Disappeared - Steam Key
Wrath of Anna - Steam Key
The Odyssey - Steam Key
Star Tactics - Steam Key
GEARGUNS - Tank offensive - Steam Key
Something for Trials Evolution Gold Edition uplay and oxenfree?
I found only the Company of Heroes Complete Edition at the bottom of your list. Is it available?
well Company of Heroes Complete Edition is available but its a multi-game will get these games: Company of Heroes Complete Edition, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Master Collection, Medieval II: Total War Collection, Rome: Total War - Collection, SEGA Genesis/Megadrive Strategy Pack (Shining Force, Shining Force 2, Gain Ground, Columns) .Add me to talk if you want
Don't think I have something from your current wishlist, but have these to offer for either memoria or 12 is better
Sorry, the latter is a tradeable gift I'd value more.
Got the game in the meantime, and still interested in Memoria but not 1x1 for this one.
Then what about Memoria vs Sky Force Anniversary + Hero of the Kingdom? It's not 1:1, at least in price.
That's the other way around. Memoria is a bundle or a gift for you?
Mine is a tradable gift - Memoria is currently a bundle game worth about 0.5$.
If someone needs to add something that's you not me.
Same here. Not a trader, but since I did buy skyforce at some point for myself and decided not to play it, I don't expect to add another game to it just to get a cheap bundle game for current bundle.
THere's some value to games here, not based on steam price which is not really relevant but on value/rarity,.
If you get Skyforce as a present from someone, is it less worth? I don't think so. So why should a high quality game which was bundled once before be less worth? If you say it's because many people bought it and you can have it easier, then this will apply to every game which was in a sale before. And I think about 90% of all games available on the market once were on a sale somehow. However I really can only compare the steam prices, because I don't track what game was in a bundle before and not. And I actually don't care about that fact (not only as a seller, but also as a buyer) as I mentioned. No offense here, but it's just a matter of point of view I guess :)
None taken. However, it is fairly easy to see whether a game was bundled and how many times by accessing steam through the web. Enhanced steam shows you how many times and in which.
So with your point - Let's say a high budget game was bundled several times already, including in 1$ tier.
Would it still worth way more than a non-bundled game, in trade-able form that cost 2.5$? I'd say no.
I'm not trading for profit, just for stuff i'm hoping to play (Or my sons would). With that said, I prefer to take some value
into account and get the game by comparable value game, and not by arbitrary current steam game price that says nothing at all.
"So with your point - Let's say a high budget game was bundled several times already, including in 1$ tier.
Would it still worth way more than a non-bundled game, in trade-able form that cost 2.5$? I'd say no."
And I say yes :) So, that's what I mean. It's a point of view matter. And I don't think any view is wrong or bad, just a different approach. Then maybe you find something for Skyforce in my [H] list, which you think is even. Maybe it will work. If not, it was a try and experience for us :)
hey pal - something on my list you would like for oxenfree: ? ;)
Anything here:
for " 12 is better then 6 " ? cheers! ;)
I just realised that I actually want to play Massive Chalice after watching some gameplay videos :) I apologize! :(
But I am interested in your Company of Heroes (including addons). Do you find something else for it in my [H]?
Company of Heroes key is only for the original one, (Opposing fronts and Tales of valor are not included).
I'm interested in Memoria and I can trade CoH for it.
Please read my notes before commenting.
My barter account:
I made this thread as an attempt to receive games, which I actually want to PLAY! I don't want trade them, I want simply PLAY games :) So basically I will compare the prices of offered and demanded games, mixed with how strongly I want to play the game. Then I will decide if it's a fair deal in my eyes.
Games I have/offer [H]
The game keys I offer are from official shops like Humble Bundle, Fanatical, Green Man Gaming, etc. I never buy on inofficial sites. My keys are also not traded before.
Friend requests
PLEASE no friend adding or requesting before we didn't agree on in this thread.
Trade process
Depending on importancy of trade and reputation of trade partner, we can decide on who goes first.
My Wishlist/Wanted [W]
The games in my wishlist are the ones I filtered from Steam over the years, but there might be some I like which I don't know or haven't listed, so feel free to come up with offers - unless they are obvious bad games (I refer to Steam review results. I am not interested in any game under "Mostly Positive", so please don't offer anything in these categories). Coop games with very good reviews have a good chance :)
[STEAM - Direct gift via Steam]
[STEAM - Keys (The game keys I offer are from official shops like Humble Bundle, Fanatical, Green Man Gaming, etc. I never buy on inofficial sites. My keys are also not traded before.)]
Other Stuff
If you don't have anything to trade you can send me a gift for my Steam Wallet, too.
If you prefer looking through my wishlist here it is:
Same notes as above. If you managed to scroll down here without reading them here is my service for you :)
Please read my notes before commenting.
My barter account:
I made this thread as an attempt to receive games, which I actually want to PLAY! I don't want trade them, I want simply PLAY games :) So basically I will compare the prices of offered and demanded games, mixed with how strongly I want to play the game. Then I will decide if it's a fair deal in my eyes.
Games I have/offer [H]
The game keys I offer are from official shops like Humble Bundle, Fanatical, Green Man Gaming, etc. I never buy on inofficial sites. My keys are also not traded before.
Friend requests
PLEASE no friend adding or requesting before we didn't agree on in this thread.
Trade process
Depending on importancy of trade and reputation of trade partner, we can decide on who goes first.
My Wishlist/Wanted [W]
The games in my wishlist are the ones I filtered from Steam over the years, but there might be some I like which I don't know or haven't listed, so feel free to come up with offers - unless they are obvious bad games (I refer to Steam review results. I am not interested in any game under "Mostly Positive", so please don't offer anything in these categories). Coop games with very good reviews have a good chance :)