I have...

Inscribed Spell Devourer
Auspicious Stinger of Entwined Fate
Inscribed Paraflare Cannon
Genuine Triumph
Loyal Slave of Cadenza Magic Master
Itsy(not orginal)
Tickled Tegu
Form of the Wolf Hunter
Spirit of the Iron Claw
Inscribed Fashion of Yoskreth
Sash of Yoskreth
Etched Crescent of Yoskreth - Off-Hand
Etched Crescent of Yoskreth
Belt of Yoskreth
The Commodore's Bicorne
The Commodore's Puffy Cuffs
The Commodore's Gaiters
The Commodore's Sash
Hat of Fortune
Emerging Dragon
Gatling Cannon of the Dragon Emperor
Sanguine Moon Patch
Seismic Berserker Club
Defender's Armor
Taunt: Ogre Hop

I want...


25 and more dota2 items just for pubg

5 years ago*

Closed 5 years ago.