Hi everybody,

Tonight, a scammer who have for names a lot of good traders' names ( mariganza, ronkzero, Zystus, etc.), steal me a key.

So be prudent, his profile is private ( and i don't verify before, so it's my fault ) so be careful.
One more thing: he tell me that if his profile is private, that's because his friend was bad with him,...

1 decade ago*

there's been a lot of scammer reports lately involving impersonation ._.' sorry to hear that man D:

1 decade ago

most are the same people. steam makes it to easy and profitable for them.

1 decade ago

i think we need a giant list of all the scammers on Steamtrades and just bump/sticky that thread as a warning for all ._.

1 decade ago

Profile private > no trade

1 decade ago

Feel so sorry to know that but could u post his profile url? maybe it will help us all.

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.