Well, pretty obvious scammer.

Added me out of the blue, saying that he had seen my post on steamtrades (it is important to note that this is the first time ever I'm commenting or creating a topic).

He then proceeded to say he had keys for several games on my wishlist (Killing Floor, Assassin's Creed 2, Fallout 3 GOTY), and offering to trade for Just Cause 2.

However, he kept refusing to go first. He has no steamtrades profile. His account is also two days old and owns no game (only F2P games registered), with 0 hours played.

After a long time discussing with him, he said he'd only go first if I had 10+ rep. I asked my friend with 17 rep if he'd be willing to make the trade, and then the scammer said 17 is not enough, that he needs 30 at least. Contacted another friend with 31 rep, and now 50 rep is the minimum.

I'm obviously not going first, and this guy's a ridiculous fail scammer.

Couldn't be more obvious.

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.