Check my wishlist for a few games I might want, other offers are accepted.
If you have good rep I will trade first, I don't mind.

1 decade ago*

Interested in unredeemed gift code with these 5 games?

-Eversion (Steam)

-Delve Deeper & DLC (Steam, Desura)

-Shadows on the Vatican, Act:I (Desura)

-War of the Human Tanks (Desura)

-Fibrillation (Desura)

Once redeemed, you get all the keys separately.

I want Syberia 1 or Broken Sword 1 + Nikopol (as steam gifts with your steam wallet, cost less than 3€/$)

1 decade ago

BF3 + WoW Battlechest for 24 euros?

1 decade ago

something in my inventory?

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.