I have...

Minimum(1.74 euro)(solo gift not from team pack) - 1 key
Portal(1.74 euro) - 1 key
Portal 2(3.74 euro) - 2.2 tf 2 keys/ 2 cs:go keys
Portal 2 - Two Pack(6.24 euro)(if steam hasn't fixed option to buy 2 and 4 packs as gifts) 3.6 tf 2 keys/ 3.3 cs:go keys
Portal Bundle(4.74 euro)- 2.7 tf 2 keys/ 2,5 cs:go keys

I want...

tf2 (team fortress 2) keys
cs:go(counter strike:global offensive) keys(the price of how many keys for games depends on market price on them)
dota 2 keys
I accept items too.

This is literally the prices considering the marke value of keys(as of writing this(they can change))
I cannot go any lower, if i do, I think I loose money. Add me to discuss.
All steam gifts ROW

9 years ago*

Portal Bundle 2 tf2 key ?

9 years ago

4.74 euro on steam store, calculate yourself.

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.