Hello there everyone! I'm looking for someone with a key or a gift copy of Next Car Game.
The highest I can go is 10 keys + a few refined metal.
I do, however. Have an instant-buy deal. 9 Team Fortress 2 keys.
Add me on Steam if you want to sell your copy for 9 Team Fortress 2 keys: http://steamcommunity.com/id/EuroPascal/
But, leave an offer below.

Important notes:
You most likely have to give the code before I give the keys, unless you have higher reputation than me.

My reputation:
Moderator on http://scrap.tf (A well known Team Fortress 2 site)
Level 30 on Steam
Got over 310 games on Steam (Worth a total of over $3000)
35+ pages on my Steam profile saying "+rep" or "Nice trader"

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.