Basically I want someone who uses the Ru or the Ua Steam store to buy me Euro truck Sim 2 Since it as about $30 less.
i have steam wallet, over 600 dota 2 items, treasure keys for dota 2 and tf2, and tons of video games over 50.

also want farming sim 2013 and trains vs zombies 2

I also have a pretty big wishlist and will take just about anything i do not have as long as it is decent.

Add me if you can get me euro truck sim 2 or check out my bag here

1 decade ago*

i have

bad rats

the ship single and multiplayer bundle

trade for

Assassin's Creed 2 Deluxe Edition

1 decade ago

got the ship for free and bats rats deff dont' need

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.