I have...

for search purpose:
hb monthly referral
humble bundle monthly subscription
use my link

I want...

for search purpose:
hb monthly referral
humble bundle monthly subscription
use my link

⛔Public Service Announcement! Read carefully! ⛔

This is for anyone who's either referring others to Humble Bundle Monthly or wants to use a referral link for a trade!
If you already have an account on HB and think about creating a 2nd account/alt account - you're risking SUSPENSION/LOSING WALLET FUNDS.
Humble Bundle monitors your actions - your IP address, credit card names, email addresses, PayPal etc - and can decide you're breaking their Terms of Service.

Please read these threads carefully. People lost the ability to use their account and wallet funds were erased.

⛔Don't create multiple accounts to get wallet funds or extra monthly subscription for trades!⛔

🔺Please bump this PSA for other members of the community to see!🔺

My referral thread is closed because I want people to read this, but if you truly never subscribed and want 2 cs:go keys for using my link, comment on my profile and I'll add you

6 years ago*

Thank you!

6 years ago

PS, I already have many HB accounts and good games in many of them. Should I log in to all of them and retrieve them quickly?

6 years ago

I think you should if you want to be cautious!

6 years ago

k, bump

6 years ago

Thanks for the info!

6 years ago

IGN have become very aggressive and are totally changing the HB market gap. Their weekly bundles have become monthly re-bundles or basic re-bundles with one new game (which is hardly worth the bundle price) and people have stopped buying them. The classics bundle has sold only 80k copies for 2 weeks. An year ago Humble would achieve those sales within 5 days.
They are investing mostly into the subscription-based market and I have the feeling most people cancel their sub and only buy the AAA games like Civ VI (games which are usually about the receive a major DLC expansion and this is the only reason they were bundled).
Non-Europeans/Americans are slowly backing off monthlies cause of the region locked codes and because Steam is cheaper for them.
Unless they decide to release decent weekly bundles they should expect abuse of their Monthly related promotions.

6 years ago

Hi, in case you can help me with this information, I would be grateful!. I actually have multiple HB accounts with monthly plan (I had bought
multiple monthly gift links 2-3 months back) but none of them are from any referral. Am I still in danger? Would it be good to quickly sign into my accounts and retrieve those codes now? Cuz I never dared to log into any other of my HB account after reading this!

6 years ago

I have one account that's suspended. I have an annual sub on it and like 5$ wallet. I still get my monthly games, but I can't spend my wallet and I can't buy bundles. I was never going to find out that my account was suspended if I friend didn't ask me to get a bundle for him. I just don't buy from HB since IGN took over. After I got banned, I had to find my other (forgotten old) account. When I got in, there were a ton of games inside, all of them available for me to use but the account was also suspended.
On my main account I have 30/30 refs, none of them are me, it's all people from steamtrades. I bought Shadow of War for myself with that wallet and the game is still in my steam account.
So in a nutshell, I can log in and out and generate codes from the monthly games at any time. And if they suspend one they will probably suspend the rest of your accounts, even if they haven't been used in 3 years like in my case.

6 years ago*

Oh, Ok, Thanks a lot for typing that much! It really helped. The ban isn't a IP ban right?

6 years ago

Don't think so, I bought 1 Dark Souls III monthly bundle with my debit card. Same IP.

6 years ago

Hmm, Thanks again.

6 years ago


6 years ago

How can they even know that I have 2 accounts?

6 years ago

Same IP's / billing names and addresses etc

6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.