I have...

Level 30 League of Legends account, full acces.
Platinum 2 Season 6 Border, along with the icon and the skin.
Unranked Season 7
70 Champions
4 Rune Pages
Standard Attack damage, Standard Attack speed, Nidalee Custom Runes, Standard Abillity power.

Nidalee (all):
Snow Bunny Nidalee
Leopard Nidalee
French Maid Nidalee
Pharaon Nidalee
Bewitching Nidalee
Headhunter Nidalee
Warring Kingdoms Nidalee
Challenger Nidalee

High Noon Yasuo
Headhunter Rengar
Debonair Ezreal
Musketeer Twisted Fate
Tango Twisted Fate
Hired Gun Graves
Jailbreak Graves
Gladiator Draven
Acolyte Lee Sin
Muay Thai Lee Sin
Sorceress Lux
Unchained Alistar
Sweeper Alistar
Infernal Nasus
Wicked LeBlanc
Nunu Bot
Perseus Pantheon
Runeguard Volibear
Angler Jax
Temple Jax
Chosen Master Yi
Uncle Ryze
Superfan Gragas
Riot Girl Tristana
Surprise Party Amumu
NightBlade Irelia
Aviator Irelia
Order of the Lotus Irelia
Gentleman Cho'Gath
Masquerade Evelynn
Tango Evelynn
Yellow jacket Shen
Dreadknight Garen
Victorious Maokai
Warrior Princess Sivir
Wild Card Shaco
Riot Kayle
+a couple more that I did not list.
Also includes a bunch of 250RP Icons.

I want...

Rust skins, around 40 euros of rust skins to be exact.

Hit me up anywhere you'd like, I am very responsive and online almost 24/7.

6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.