I have...

90% OFF Survivor Squad - Valid until 11/Dec/2015
90% OFF Zombie Driver HD - Valid until 11/Dec/2015
75% OFF The Tower Of Elements - Valid until 11/Dec/2015
75% OFF Teddy Floppy Ear - Mountain Adventure - Valid until 11/Dec/2015
75% OFF Defy Gravity - Valid until 11/Dec/2015
66% OFF The Howler - Valid until 11/Dec/2015
66% OFF Pixel Puzzles: UndeadZ - Valid until 11/Dec/2015
66% OFF GooCubelets 2 - Valid until 11/Dec/2015
66% OFF Millie - Valid until 11/Dec/2015
50% OFF Epic Battle Fantasy 4 - Valid until 9/Dec/2015
50% OFF XLarn - Valid until 11/Dec/2015
50% OFF Venusian Vengeance - Valid until 11/Dec/2015
50% OFF Age of Mythology: Extended Edition - Valid until 11/Dec/2015
33% OFF Microcosmum: survival of cells - Valid until 11/Dec/2015
33% OFF I, Zombie - Valid until 12/Dec/2015

Go here to get your coupons! https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=106618132&token=gvBB0Hr6

You don't have to offer anything in return!! Any offers are welcome, of course!!

I would appreciate a +rep afterwards, though! And of course, I'll give some back!

8 years ago*

added their expiry dates!! forgot to include them first time round!!

8 years ago

Hello Sir,

I'm interested in your Pixels Puzzles: UndeadZ, let me know what is needed to trade it.


8 years ago

I don't need anything in return!! But if you have any spare cards, backgrounds etc. then of course you could offer one! But it's not necessary!! Just head here - https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=106618132&token=gvBB0Hr6

8 years ago

Sent you a trade offer for GooCubelets 2 (valid until 11.12.15). Thanks a lot!

8 years ago*

Closed 6 years ago.