
feel free to add me

1 decade ago*

thread changed

1 decade ago

I don't see any single reason for people to do the trade. Batman AC is on sale for $14.99, but even TES IV Oblivion GOTY Deluxe costs $12.99 and all games from The Elder Scrolls series are on sale RIGHT now. Why should I overpay more than $2 (you are offering Oblivion GOTY which costs even less ($9.99) at the moment) and trade the game with a stranger (with nonzero chance to have a revoke of game later)?

1 decade ago

I see... Someone told me that you are trying to rip off those who do not have Elder Scrolls series in their Steam Stores (russians I suppose).

1 decade ago

the same ppl that have Batman AC at $8 right now :D

1 decade ago

it is not rip of then since in russian store Batman ac is only 7 $ -.-

1 decade ago

They have such prices for a reason.
So, yes... I think, that this is total rip off

1 decade ago

C'mon man. You are Russian. Can't blame the guy for trying to get a deal that benefits both people. Not like Russians always base the trade value of their games at their prices.

1 decade ago

Just curious. Why have you decided that I am Russian?

P.S. I am russian, but I do not live in Russia :)

1 decade ago

Oh, I think we have traded before and talked about it :) I think we traded based on Russian prices. I am now remembering that I think you had a friend do the purchase for you. I do agree with you that the regional pricing and sale prices have muddied the trading waters. Anytime both sides can profit it is a good trade, and those who can get Russian prices can almost always make that happen. It is a good thing.

1 decade ago

Don't waste time arguing with them.
No one will do this trade because, as I know, even in Russian stores Morrowind GOTY and Oblivion GOTY retail non-Steam versions are worth cheaper than $8 (each).

1 decade ago

Dead Space 2 for Oblivion ? ^^

1 decade ago

no ty

1 decade ago

Oblivion goty + Morrowind goty = x1 Batman AC?

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.