I am selling the following

golden greevil = 6 keys
timebreaker = 27 keys
dire hud = 6 keys
radiant hud = 5 keys
diretide hud = 5 keys
frostivus hud = 4 keys
genuine star ladder grill hound = 5 keys
death prophet announcer = 1 key
bastion announcer pack with megakills = 6 keys
unusual dreaded greevil (corp ambience)= 8 keys
unusual trusty mountain yak diretide '12 tagged Diretide Corruption = 14 keys
tiny skin = 1 key
councilor's mask rubick = 2 keys
visage of the ivory isles jug mask = 6 keys
heirloom of the temple priestess templar = 1 key

add me

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.