• Tradable game offers

  • 1 for 1 key and 3 ref

  • 2 for 3 keys.

Accepting ref instead of keys (1 key = 7 ref)

StarCraft Battle Chest 3.99€

Diablo 3 for 25.99€ (~14.5 keys)

CoD Ghosts for 35.9€ (~20keys)

Warhammer 40k Space Marine STEAM for 3.9€ (~2.5 keys)

Rocksmith 2014 STEAM for 21.9€ (~11.5 keys)

Free Games

Most of us here are traders, so I feel it's a good place to share a nice find:

Basically, it is a site selling game keys (with decent prices, Diablo 3 for 27,5€ for instance).
Also, they donated 10,000$ during Gaming For Good Siege event (anyone watching SivHD stream should remember that).
What is great, is the Affiliate programme.

It is simple as pie.

Each product on G2A.COM includes some information about how much you can earn by recommending it.
If someone clicks on your reflink and after some time makes a purchase, the cookies will make sure that you receive the amount specified on the product page on the very day Person A placed the order. is thus on level 1 relation to you as he or she made the purchase directly thanks to your reflink.
Level 1 relation means that you earn 100% of the amount specified on the product page. What is more, if the creates his/her own reflink for another person who consequently will make a purchase, will enter the Second Level relation in your group of your group, allowing you to benefit 60% of the amount stated on the product page.

Similarly, if recommends a product via reflink to yet another avid gamer you will receive 40% of the amount specified on the product page since will from now on be on third level relation in your group.

I already passed that to few of my friends, and got 5€ of that.
Also, You can generate Coupons for Your friends, which makes games even cheaper.
If You get a few friends going, and explain that to them, so they also get other people into that, you can generate quite a neat income source with little to no effort ;)

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.