I have...

NBA 2K17(EU)

I want...

5 TF2 Keys

I'm a newcomer to Steamtrades, I bought it from a seller in Steamtrades, but I'm a Asia Steam Account, the NBA 2K17 which bought from Humble Bundle is a EU version, it can't be activited in my region, so I need to exchange it with any other who have a EU Steam Account.
Any question can contact me with my Steam Account, make trades or friends are all welcome XD!
And I still seek for a NBA 2K17(Aisa or ROW version)
My Personal Homepage Linkļ¼šhttps://steamcommunity.com/id/584815304

3 years ago

Are you looking for Shadowrun Chronicles - Boston Lockdown ? I can trade for any of this -
Cities: Skylines + After Dark DLC

3 years ago

Closed 3 years ago.