Here's the deal: I'm from Europe and a while ago I bought New Vegas Collector's from the US. This means I have a US version installed and i cannot buy the 4 DLCs (Old World Blues, Lonesome road, Honest Hearts and Dead Money) because Steam says I don't have New Vegas (although I do, but not the EU version). I also can't buy the Ultimate Edition because it says I already have the game (I tried it a few days ago). Yes, it's retarded.

So I need someone to buy the 4 DLCs as gifts (10$ right now, they're on sale) and I will buy, in exchange, a game of appropriate (or maybe even slightly higher) value and trade it for the DLCs. Right now I have Unreal Deal Complete Pack, Red Orchestra 2 and Plants vs. Zombies GOTY in my inventory.

Please add me if you're interested ASAP. I'd really appreciate the help.

1 decade ago*

I can buy 2 of the DLCs for you ($5)

1 decade ago

help is still needed

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.