Please be sure to check profiles of people you trade with, someone (linked below) is impersonating me, never trade with people who have their account set to private and always make sure that their steam profile matches the profile from

Also run their profile through steamrep.In this case, the user had been reported and confirmed 4 times.

1 decade ago*

Always, Always! Click their Steamtrade profile and follow that to their actual steam profile (their name in blue links to steamtrades and steam profile) If someone randomly add's you out of the blue without posting on your thread, Demand! they post on your thread so you can check their info. Too many people pulling this impersonation scam and too many people are falling for it. We terribly need a sticky for info like this and steam accounts to watch out for. One huge rule (posted up top as well) NEVER trade with a private profile.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.