I have...

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory UPLAY KEY

I want...

Any Steam Game.

Prefer a "Gift" but I'm fine with a Key - so long as I can either use it myself or do a SG giveaway.

I bought the current humble bundle thinking they were Steam games, but they're for Uplay instead (which I don't use). I managed to trade up all the other games for things I wanted, but this game is a bit older and doesn't seem popular. So I will take just about anything for it, except Labors of Hercules (I gave that away 5 times already).

I know I don't have much rep, so I'll be happy to go first.

8 years ago

I can do your Uplay-Game for 1:1 from this list.
Important Steam-Gift ist possible, if yours is a Gift-Link.

8 years ago

It's not a gift link (I don't know why, the steam games from the bundle had gift links, this one didn't).

What about Muffin Knight for my game?

8 years ago

Oh that could be (I remember an other tells the same in the past)
Rather less Muffin Knight. Pls try an other game.

8 years ago

East India Company, Jagged Alliance, or Knights and Merchants?

If none of those, which do you suggest?

8 years ago

I can do Knights and Merchants.
Added you on steam

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.