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7 years ago*

So, basically $20? That seems a bit high, lol.

7 years ago

No, its about 25 refs per key these days. So he's basically asking for 8 keys, when the game is selling steadily for around 4. But yeah, definitely high and silly.

7 years ago

Ah. I didn't realize they'd shifted from 20 per key. That is good info. Thanks.

7 years ago

Nowadays a ref between $0.07 and $0.09 but it's no problem for that because SteamTrade is a free market. I see a lot of topic like this so here is the same to just a month :)

7 years ago

Even with the minimum of $0.07 that makes it 14$. Meaning 2$ more than anyone could buy the whole monthly. A game that has been bundled like that rarely gets a higher price than 8-9$ afterwards btw. With some cases dropping at even 5-6$ (Mad Max).

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.