I have...

Octopath Traveler, Noel the Mortal Fate S1-9, and Portal 1 and 2

I want...

Poker Night At The Inventory 1 and 2 keys

I do not have keys for Octopath Traveler, Noel the Mortal Fate S1-9, and Portal 1 and 2, but i have them on my account so i'll let you use my account as long as you use it to only play the games on my account. Any attempt to steal my account or anything from it will be reported to steam and steamtrades.com

My Trade Link:

I'm also available for counter offers if you see anything interesting in my inventory. Message me on steam if you are interested.

3 years ago

The only thing you'll get is your account hacked dude. Just think about it, why give it to a complete stranger? also, you want Poker N as keys so you can play them in your account, i can assure you most of people like to play in their own accounts too...

3 years ago

i know but i dont have a bunch of money right now and i don't wanna pay shady sites like g2a or kinguin.

3 years ago

So you rather get exposed to lose your account :/

Not my business tho, do what you prefer, i just felt it right to warn you about what's literally gonna happen with this "offer"

3 years ago


edit: if this is not a troll post, then just go to the gift of games subreddit and request for the game.

3 years ago*

yeah but I don't wanna type an entire essay just to be able to say why I want the game.

3 years ago

Be careful, anyone who proceeds to take on your offer will be with almost 100% certainty a scammer. Portal 1 and 2 is a game everyone already has and are extremely cheap, Noel is a pretty niche game that most people are not even aware of its existence and the only one people might be interested in would be Octopath, but even then, there's no much value is it's not given in a key to add to your own account. Be more aware if someone randomly adds you on steam to give you that offer.

Edit: And I just remembered that the game you are requesting is no longer on sale, which makes it more valuable. It increases the chances than an offer is not actually legit.

3 years ago*

I have Poker Night at the Inventory. I got it from Humble Bundle long ago, and is still unredeemed as either a Gift Link or key, so you can choose what you want. I purchased it myself and am a low-volume trader, so it's perfectly reliable and if you take the Gift Link option then only you will ever get to see the key. Let me know if you're interested!

3 years ago

Closed 3 years ago.