I have...

1 Refined Metal

I want...

Any game with card drops that I don't have in my library


  • Don't give me a link, just check my library.
    My Steam Profile--->http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198035579015/

  • This is my thread so YOU go first, in every case, I don't care your Rep.

  • You are allowed to instant add me, but remember that if you want +Rep I need to know your SteamTrades profile!

7 years ago*

what is refined metal and i can offer tis-100

7 years ago

Refined metal is this http://steamcommunity.com/id/paolo97/inventory/#440 see the grey metal.

In every case tis-100 doesn't drop cards

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.