I have...

15 Keys

I want...

Snuggle Truck Foil Badge

Just want to trade 15 keys for the entire set of foil cards to craft the Snuggle Truck Foil Badge...

6 years ago

such a specific request, but you'd get it faster by selling the keys yourself and buying the cards on the market.
I wouldn't put any hope for someone here to have an entire foil set for what you want. I don't think people typically have entire foil sets up for trade.
https://www.steamtrades.com/trades/search?want=foil you could look

http://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/753/111100-Trucking%20Along%20%28Foil%29?filter=card you can probably manage this, and all the others, for $5 to $7 USD as long as you can wait.

6 years ago

thanks for your input, i ended up just buying 5/6 of the cards on the steam market but the last one isnt on there :(.

6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.