
I'm looking for this bundle from Gamefly , its $5.99 with coupon code FEB20OFF for US (in UK UKFEB20OFF).

I'm looking for someone who lives in the US or the UK to buy me that bundle and I'll give them 4 TF2 keys in return.

Note : Since you'll get Spec Ops key in your e-mail after 10 days, if you have 100 + reps (no negative) I'll give you 4TF2 keys at the time of trade.

Else I'll pay you 2 keys for Darkness II and 2 keys when you give me Spec Ops key.

1 decade ago*

4 keys, & it's a deal.

1 decade ago

I can get both games for 4 keys anyway, so nope. :p

1 decade ago

Good Luck. :)

1 decade ago

are you still looking for specs op?

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.