I have...
I want...

Factorio, Risk of Rain 2, Rogue Legacy, Rogue Legacy 2, The Witcher 3, Iris and the Giant, Hellbound, Grounded, Astroneer

3 years ago*

Hi do you need any of my games for games? https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/gDWG7/h-games-x-w-games

3 years ago

Dead island defitinive edition and Riptide for Slime rancher and planetary annihilation titans?
or Risk of rain 2 for Slime and hurtworld.

3 years ago

Deal for the first one, anything else you'd want + Hurtworld for RoR2?

3 years ago

maybe.. added you on steam.

3 years ago

Closed 3 years ago.