I have...

The Crew Wild Run Edition

I want...

CSGO skins, Paypal

I'm a trusted ebay seller : let me know if you want to check my feedbacks

8 years ago*

You can't trade a redeemed game....
Account trading is not allowed on this site or UPLAY. You are liable to lose your accounts. Even Steam if you are using it to msg about illegal trading.

Account trading is also considered a scam since the original owner can always regain possession of the account through password retrieval.

8 years ago

but i dont like that fqing game, i've nearly played it for 1 hour i wasted my money i hate my life :((

8 years ago

If you want to reply to people and have them know. You have to use the reply option on my post otherwise I won't get a notification you replied.

Sorry you don't like the game. But sadly that is the rules and Terms of Agreement for almost all online distributors. Account trading is pretty much against most companies.

Sucks but there is nothing else to do about it.

8 years ago

Btw I would close this thread before people start reporting it.

8 years ago


i still hate my life tho..

8 years ago

To the right of the topic. That button that says OPEN , that is a drop down menu tab. CLOSE is there. :)

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.