New steam policy makes gifts untradable for 30 days, so i have to send to you as a gift.

All non Tredable steam gift if you have +Rep more than me i will go first

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (RoW)------------> 7 Tf2/Csgo keys

Killing Floor-----------------------------------> 1 Tf2/Csgo key

SPOREā„¢------------------------------------------> 1 Tf2/Csgo key

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth-------------------> 3 Tf2/Csgo keys

Metro Redux Bundle------------------------------> 4 Tf2/Csgo keys

Killing Floor 6-pack----------------------------> 3 Tf2/Csgo keys + 2 Tods

Rust--------------------------------------------> 4 Tf2/Csgo keys

9 years ago*

Half life complete pack for Rust and The binding of isaac rebirth?

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.