I have...

Hi SteamGift Community

You are free the send me you offert but i only pay with

  • Games
  • Cards

Send me offert it can to be together too

Check my list of games and my Inventory of Steam

I want...
7 years ago*

If i do it can for it cally caves 3 and hard room????

7 years ago

Yep, those 2 games are still in stock, I added you on steam.

7 years ago

hope you got it not a ninja

7 years ago

Ty i can get it :) want +rep?

7 years ago

no need, i just want to apologize for being too hard few days ago
enjoy your game NTW5K-IKY4B-N6RQJ

7 years ago

ok thanks for this too xD

7 years ago

Interested in INSIDE and ORI

Anything from here? https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/xllN8/h-bundle-leftovers-gifts-w-undertale-soma-ori-bf-sleeping-dogsreb-galaxy-offers

Willing to add cards to it as well if you want

7 years ago

em... Read the post please I WANT INSIDE AND ORI -.-"

7 years ago

...WHOOPS! My bad. sorry :)

7 years ago

any cards for evoland 2?

7 years ago

How much in cards you want for it?

7 years ago

I do not know, you tell me

7 years ago

add me to discuss got evoland 2

7 years ago

How many cards for VVVVVV ?

7 years ago

how much cards you want for it

7 years ago

VVVVVV for timberman?

7 years ago

Yes :D add me

7 years ago

Hi, I have a 40% off coupon for INSIDE. if you wanna trade, lemme know.

7 years ago

I have a bunch of the games you want. You can add me on Steam if you want to try to trade, since you can't trade Humble links or Steam keys directly on Steam, only Steam gifts.

6 years ago

Siento molestarte, he leído por ahí que hablas español y has hecho Idle Services, quería preguntarte de qué se trata exactamente.
Cierto usuario, tras confiar y demás acuerdos, luego te ofrece juegos para que le Idlees con el programa, para obtener las cartas y luego darle trade de éstas mismas, para después, obtener una recompensa por parte del otro usuario? Gracias por tu tiempo!

6 years ago

Una persona da a otra (idler) un juego para que este lo idlee (idlear es con un programa o jugando sacar los cromos) tras idlearlo el idler envia los cromos a la persona que le dio el juego
La recompensa para el idler es el juego y para el idleado son los cromos

6 years ago

Closed 5 years ago.