I have...

Rockstar: GTAV with premiun money;

Origin: BF3, BF4. Dead Space, Dragon Age, Fifa 15, Sims 2 Ultimate CollectionM;

League of Legends: S3 Gold, 99 Champs, 11 Runes Pages.
LoL Skins: Nurse Akali, Riot Blitzcrank, Victorious Elise, Dino Gnar, Jaximus, Arcade Hecarim, Karate Kennen, Mecha Kha'zix, Traditional Lee, French Maid Nidalee, Bladecraft Orianna, Battle Bunny Riven, Spirit Guard Udyr, Artic Ops Varus, Shockblade Zed, Jade Dragon Wukong, Pharaoh Nasus

I want...

Skins, Steam gifts cards.

I won't go first.(most of the times)
Add me so we can talk.
I accept: Skins, Steam gifts cards.

8 years ago

how much for GTA V in tf2 keys?

8 years ago

In TF2 Keys around 25K... Cause they are harder to sell... If you go to CSGO keys i can make around 20K.

8 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.