I have...

Steam tradeables:

Hack 'n' Slash
Spacebase DF-9
Ibb & Obb
Murder Miners (x2)
Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack (x3)
The Ship
Dead Island: Epidemic Beta (x6)

Humble gift links:

Vertical Drop Heroes HD
Hitman: Absolution
Kane & Lynch Collection
Hammer Watch
Hero Siege
Toki Tori 2+
Super House of Dead Ninjas True Ninja DLC

I want...

Humble Jumbo Bundle 4 BTA (not the special tier, just the regular BTA)

You can basically build your own bundle from what I have to trade.

8 years ago*

I have 2 games from the BTA (Endless Space, The Stanley Parable ) if you interested. I am looking for Thief at the moment, so I can give you one of them for it.

8 years ago

I already have both of those. I mostly want the BTA for Van Helsing and whatever the mystery games end up being (and Outland and Fallen Enchantress from the base bundle). Thanks for the offer though.

8 years ago

I bought it for Van Helsing :/ I have a Fallen Enchantres as well so if you want it, we can make a deal. I can give you Endless Space or The Stanley Parable as a bonus and you can trade it in the future if you want. If it's good for you we can make a deal. If not it's a free bump for you ;)

8 years ago

Kane & Lynch Collection for Battle For The Sun?

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.